Can You Rely On Microsoft’s Free Security Solution?

Published November 13, 2009 by TNJ Staff
Business Technology

Protecting your computer from hackers, malware, viruses and evil web sites is a full time job. For the solo professional, ensuring you are fully protected is not easy. This is why its important to install security software that can keep your computer as secure as possible.

There are MANY security solutions on the market. Four popular ones are Symantec, TrendMicro, McAfee and AVG. AVG has a free anti-virus program.

Yesterday Microsoft launched Microsoft Security Essentials, which is geared toward home computer protection. I’m sure it will work just as well for business computers in very small offices. (Larger offices might want protection that is easier to manage from a central network)

According to bMighty, Microsoft said it replaces Windows Live OneCare, a paid subscription security and PC optimization package that the company discontinued earlier this year after it failed to catch on.
This free solution is going to be a fine solution to protect individual computers. If you try it out, comment and let us know what you think. I’ll try it out in a few days and let you know if it is not performing well.

As Chris Anderson said in today’s GrowSmartBiz conference, hosted by Network Solutions, that free is a good thing – for businesses offering the free product or service and for customers taking advantage of it.
Why is Microsoft doing this?

Microsoft figures that if it can’t get you to BUY its security solutions, it will give it away for free. The more businesses who are using Microsoft products, the better it is for Microsoft. Microsoft can afford to lose money by giving away security services, with the hope that it can gain more “brand share” and have even more users than it already has relying on it.

Consider Google’s business model. The only thing that is really making it money is Google Adwords (its online advertising business). Its dozens of other products, such as Gmail, Analytics and more are all free – subsidized by Google Adwords.

Ramon Ray is the editor and tech evangelist for

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