Sometimes in business winning is simply staying in the game through countless losses until you win the big victory. That is exactly what Brian Young, CEO of Home Painters Toronto, discovered:
“It’s a mind game and mental battle from start to end and never gets easier,” he said.
Brian was named the 2015 Small Business ICON by Infusionsoft for growing his long-declining business by 350 percent in under three years, in large part by automating almost everything. I asked Brian to what he credits such a turnaround, and he named five mental tools that he employed. Interestingly, he credits these five tools not for his recent success but for helping him remain in the game through 15 years of struggling sales until he turned things around.
1. Great role models.
Having a role model can make or break an entrepreneur, and even more so when you can connect with them, tap into their ideas and draw on their inspiration. One way to connect with role models is to reach out to influencers and tap into their power in the marketplace. Another is to engage them in expert interviews to help grow your business. These are two great sources of role models, because they are the people you have already identified as having influence and expertise in your niche.
If you have not identified role models in your niche, and even if you have, there are well-known role models like Zig Ziglar, Bill Gates, Tony Robbins and Mark Cuban to draw on. You might even know someone who has been successful in some way, such as a parent or a relative.
2. Motivational speeches, movies and quotes.
Thanks to modern technology, you can go onto YouTube and search for ?motivational speeches? or ?entrepreneurship motivation? and find enough material to keep you pumped up for months. Try this tool when you are feeling down and need to pump up your mood.
3. Self improvement courses and audios.
These not only help motivate and provide mental inspiration, but they also contain seeds of ideas that can help on the practical side as well. Brian Young allots a budget every year for courses, and it’s the one budget item he doesn’t mind surpassing, because he figures that it increases his sales. Among the top programs that have benefited him the most are Tony Robbins’ Business Mastery I and Chet Holmes’ five-day intensive seminar Business Growth Masters; Core Story.