Bernanke to deliver 4 college lectures on Fed

Published January 26, 2012 by
Personal Finance

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will take a brief step back into his former life as a college professor.

The Fed says Bernanke will deliver four lectures on the Federal Reserve and its role in the economy for an undergraduate course at the George Washington University School of Business in March.

Bernanke, who was a Princeton University economics professor before coming to Washington, will deliver the lectures on March 20, 22, 27 and 29. Anyone will be able to view the lectures online (at Transcripts will be posted later on the Fed’s website.

In recent years, Bernanke has held town-hall-style meetings with many groups, from business executives to soldiers to ordinary Americans, as part of a campaign to bring more openness to the Fed.

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