Dr. Randal Pinkett, winner of the fourth season of NBC-TV’s The Apprentice business-oriented reality competition and co-founder, Chairman and CEO of the New Jersey-based, multimillion dollar management consulting and IT solutions firm, BCT Partners, joined forces with President Barack Obama on July 31, 2014 at the White House, for the momentous signing of the Fair Pay and Safe Workplace Executive Order.
Dr. Pinkett and his partners at BCT Partners – Lawrence Hibbert (President), Aric Perminter (Executive Vice President) and Dr. Jeffrey Robinson (Founder) – attended this significant event at the express invitation of President Obama, in recognition of encouraging the growth and success of small businesses, standing for fair wages and equitable treatment and opportunities for those companies and their employees.?? As Mr. Hibbert noted regarding the newly signed Executive Order, “The marketplace is more competitive when everyone plays by the rules; creating opportunity for good corporate citizens makes good sense for America.”
BCT Partners was honored by President Obama’s invitation to witness this signing in-person at the White House.? They are proud that for nearly 13 years, their team of management and technology consultants have offered the highest level of professionalism, commitment to excellence and passion in servicing the Federal government and are humbled to have been recognized in this manner.? They wholeheartedly believe in the power of small business and its impact on the United States’ economy.? In order for BCT Partners and other small businesses to compete and grow in the Federal marketplace, it is vital to ensure that labor practices by all contractors are both fair and equitable.? This new Executive Order is significant, as it has an impact on nearly 28 million Americans that are employed by Federal contractors
At that historic occasion, BCT Partners stood in support of the President with an affiliate of theirs, The Brunswick Group (TBG), represented by the presence of its principal, Randy Jones.?? It is noteworthy that BCT Partners and The Brunswick Group have formed a Federal 8(a) Joint Venture, known as The Brunswick BCT Group, which serves clients at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
When the spirit of small business partnership is combined with fair play, as is the intention of President Obama and the new Fair Pay and Safe Workplace Executive Order, everyone has an equal opportunity for success.? BCT Partners looks forward to a future in which that is not just a possibility, but a distinct business reality.