?Art Enology? Twenty Artists on Wine.

Published November 29, 2012 by
Arts & Culture

Holidays and wine are a natural pairing, and to celebrate the season this December, pop-up gallery, Art in Flux Harlem, will present Art Enology, featuring the works of celebrated and local artists along with a full roster of weekly art and wine events into January 2013.

Works from Legendary Wine Photographer, Charles O?Rear; the Smithsonian American Art Museum?s 40 under 40: Craft Futures artist, Joshua DeMonte; Internationally Acclaimed Visual Artist, Shantell Martin; and 20 Additional Artists in original multi-media art interpreting wine and wine bottles. Curated by Souleo, known as ?The Proletariat Curator.”

Art in Flux Harlem is an ongoing movement of art in Harlem?s public spaces, creating positive use for vacant locations and stimulating this vibrant neighborhood merging art, commerce and community.

Works from Legendary Wine Photographer, Charles O?Rear; the Smithsonian American Art Museum?s 40 under 40: Craft Futures artist, Joshua DeMonte; Internationally Acclaimed Visual Artist, Shantell Martin; and 20 Additional Artists in original multi-media art interpreting wine and wine bottles. Curated by Souleo, known as ?The Proletariat Curator.”

The exhibition will include paintings, photography, new media, performance art, sculpture and mixed media by artists including, Al Johnson, Anina Banks, Ant?nio Alonso, Beau McCall, Bertille de Baudini?re, Charles O?Rear, Chompunutt Mayta, David Hollier, Dianne Smith, Giancarlo Colaianni, Greg Frederick, Janet Goldner, JaSon E. Auguste, Jeffrey Allen Price, Jeremiah Drake, Jerry Gant, Joshua DeMonte, Judy Richardson, June Miller of Jezebel & Toff, Kulture Krochet, Laura Gadson, Nina Boesch, Ryan Smith, Shantell Martin and The House of Spoof Collective.

The events? sponsors include Simone International/Papi Wines, Ebony.com and Cuisine Noir magazine, with production by Souleo Enterprises, LLC, an event/media production company.
WHEN: ??

Bi-Weekly Events Run: Wednesday, December 5th, 2012- Wednesday January 27, 2013.

Opening Night Reception: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 6-9PM.
Closing Night Reception: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 6-9PM.

For more information: http://www.artinfluxharlem.com/#!art-enology/ce5

1961 Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd (7th Ave.) at 118th Street ? New York, NY 10026 ? 646-340-3479 ? info@artinfluxharlem.com

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