Emerging Africa/Nex-Rubica Index

Published May 28, 2009 by TNJ Staff

The index created by Emerging Africa Ltd. (New York City) and Nex-Rubica Analytics Ltd. (London) tracks the top companies traded on Africa?s five most active stock exchanges. Each of the 40 companies has a minimum market value of $500 million. The Index is expected to lead to an exchange-traded fund, which will enable the public to access the stocks. TNJ obtained permission to reproduce this index.

Symbol??? Company Name??? Exchange
AKFE??? Abou Kir Fertilizers??? EGYPT
CIBE??? Commercial International Bank??? EGYPT
EFGH??? EFG-Hermes Holding Co. ??? EGYPT
EZZA??? EL Ezz Aldekhela Steel
? Alexandria??? EGYPT
EZZS??? El Ezz Steel Rebars??? EGYPT
OCI??? Orascom Construction Industries??? EGYPT
OHD??? Orascom Hotels And Dev.??? EGYPT
SIDI??? Sidi Kerir Petrochemicals??? EGYPT
SZCE??? Suez Cement Co.??? EGYPT
TMEG??? Telecom Egypt??? EGYPT
EAB??? East African Breweries??? KENYA
KCB??? Kenya Commercial Bank??? KENYA
KGL??? Kenya Electricity Generating
Co. Ltd. (KenGen)? ??? KENYA
KYA??? Kenya Airways??? KENYA
ATW??? Attijariwafa Bank??? MOROCCO
BCE??? BMCE (Banque Marocaine du
Commerce Ext?rieur S.A. )
Bank Group??? MOROCCO
BCP??? Banque Centrale Populaire ??? MOROCCO
BRS??? Brasseries du Maroc??? MOROCCO
CDM??? Credit Du Maroc??? MOROCCO
CLT??? Centrale Laitiere??? MOROCCO
CMA??? Ciment Maroc??? MOROCCO
HOL??? Holcim (Maroc) S.A.??? MOROCCO
IAM??? Itissalat Al Maghrib??? MOROCCO
ONA??? Omnium Nord Africain??? MOROCCO
SAM??? Soci?t? Anonyme Marocaine
De L’industrie Du Raffinage
(Samir) ??? MOROCCO
SID??? Soci?t? Nationale de Sid?rurgie
(Sonasid)??? MOROCCO
SNI??? Soci?t? Nationale
d’Investissement? ??? MOROCCO
MCB??? Mauritius Commercial Bank??? MAURITIUS
SBM??? State Bank of Mauritius?? ??? MAURITIUS
FBN??? First Bank of Nigeria??? NIGERIA
GTB??? Guarantee Trust Bank??? NIGERIA
IBT??? IBTC Chartered Bank P.L.C.??? NIGERIA
ICB??? Intercontinental Bank??? NIGERIA
NBT??? Nigerian Bottling Co.??? NIGERIA
NBW??? Nigerian Brewries P.L.C.??? NIGERIA
OBI??? Oceanic Bank International??? NIGERIA
UBA??? United Bank for Africa??? NIGERIA
UBN??? Union Bank of Nigeria??? NIGERIA
WAP??? W.A. Portland Co.??? NIGERIA
ZBN??? Zenith Bank??? NIGERIA

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TNJ Staff