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Aereo Loses Supreme Court Case, Streaming TV Service Deemed Illegal

Published June 25, 2014 by TNJ Staff
Business Technology
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Aereo is history. There is no Plan B. It?s over. The big broadcast TV giants have won.

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In a ?sweeping and definitive? 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court has just ruled that Aereo is illegal.

The Court has essentially ruled that the disruptive streaming TV startup is indeed breaking the 1976 Copyright Act by allowing its cord-cutting subscribers to grab free-to-air TV programming from the air and watch them using the company?s micro antenna and DVR technology.?

This is a huge win for broadcast TV?s Big Four (ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox), who claimed the New York City-based company violated U.S. copyright law by streaming their copyrighted content to its customers without paying a cent for it.

Read More At Entreprenuer.

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