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8 Simple Tips to Ensure a Successful Kickstarter Campaign

Published March 21, 2014 by TNJ Staff
Online Marketing
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can you make your Kickstarter campaign work?

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For those of you who are still not aware of what Kickstarter
is and how it can help you launch your business to the next level, here are
some things you definitely need to know. For starters, Kickstarter is the
world’s largest crowdfunding
platform that aims to bring creative projects to life. To date, it has helped
raise more than $1 billion in pledges
from more than 5 million donors to fund 135,000 projects which include films,
stage shows, music, journalism, design, photography, video games, comics, and
various food-related projects.

So, what’s in it for those who help raise funds for
Kickstarter campaigns? In exchange for their pledges, they receive tangible
rewards and other special privileges. So far, more than 57,000 projects have already
successfully funded. Wouldn’t you want yours to be the next?

How to Ensure a
Successful Kickstarter Campaign

To help ensure a successful Kickstarter campaign, here are
some useful tips that you may want to consider.

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Plan it out. Take
time to plan your campaign. Research successful campaigns similar to yours and
try to see what made them work. ?

Keep it simple.
Keep in mind that Kickstarter projects need to have a clear beginning and end,
and should have a specific and measureable goal. This will let people know
upfront where their money will go.

Ask for less.
Kickstarter operates on an “all-or-nothing”
principle so if you failed to raise the amount of money you need for your
project, you get nothing. So, don’t be too greedy. Ask for less.

Draw people in.
Make a great video that reflects who you are and how passionate you are about
your cause. Tell your story and make sure it resonates with your audience.
Remember, investors invest in the
person, not in the project.
If you can show them that you are trying your
best to achieve your goals and live your dreams, they will most likely back you

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Focus on the
Understand what really matters to your consumer and incorporate
it into your final product.

Get featured in the
You can get featured in the homepage if you manage to get a lot
of support during the first few days of your campaign. This will definitely
give your campaign the boost it needs to be able to reach even more people.

Offer enticing
Think of something of value that your audience will appreciate and
offer it as a reward. Find out which rewards are hugely popular in the platform
and craft your own around it.

Publicize your
Media reports can get you a lot of backers so you should consider
doing your own PR. You should also use social
to keep people updated about your campaign. These can generate more
buzz and secure more pledges for your campaign.

Your campaign can be the next Kickstarter success story so
follow these tips and you will surely get the funding you need to launch your
next project.

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TNJ Staff