Refining your Elevator Pitch

Published May 14, 2018 by TNJ Staff
Career Advice
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How your audience responds to your elevator pitch is dependent on how you make your presentation. Your level of preparedness and confidence will determine whether you are going to get the deal you are looking forward to or not. Here are some elevator pitch mistakes you should avoid.


You should avoid making your elevator long and generic. Instead, focus on explaining the main points like the purpose of the existence of your company, what problems you are capable of solving and how you solve those problems. Deliver your explanation without being verbose.

Taking too much time

An elevator pitch should be intriguing and it should help you draw the attention of your audience. You therefore do not need cram too much and give as much information as you can about you and your company. Giving too much information and taking a lot of time may bore your audience and lose their attention.

Not being confident

Your main purpose when delivering the elevator pitch should be to make an impression on your audience. However, things like swaying your hands may make you appear like your shy and may greatly influence the decision of your audience. Have someone you admire in mind and deliver just as they would have done.

Using jargons

Avoid assuming that using jargons will make you appear knowledgeable. Instead, consider that not everyone will understand the jargons you use in your field and by using so many of them you could confuse your audience and make them lose interest in your presentation.

Showing desperation

An elevator pitch is not a do or die affair. Therefore you need to believe in yourself, show enthusiasm but not desperation. Desperation is unattractive and it could make could be investors to lose respect for you and ignore your offer.

Not understanding your audience

Understand who the people you are pitching to are, and what exactly they do. That way you will know the kind of services they may need and you can make your presentation lean towards that direction.

Not having a captivating intro

Your introduction should make your audience want to learn more and keep them glued to your presentation. However, if it is boring, they will end up feeling like it is just a waste of their time. Therefore start with the gist and avoid boring introductions.

Speaking fast

Avoid talking fast to cover as you much as you can within the shortest time. Instead come up with the most important information you want that will make your audience want to work with you.

Talking about the problem instead of ways to solve it

Don?t waste too much talking about the problem the audience is experiencing. Instead, talk about how you are planning to go about it. Talk about the skills and experience you have in solving such a problem.

Not giving time for your audience to respond

After you are done giving your presentation, do not leave it at that. It is always good to give your audience a chance to give their thoughts on what they think about your offer.

No next time

Don?t end the meeting there. Ask them for their business cards or even make arrangements to meet later for coffee and discuss the issues further.

When giving an elevator pitch, you should be careful not to commit any of these mistakes. This is because most of them can cost you an opportunity of a lifetime.

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TNJ Staff