5 Ways Uncool Companies Hire

Published April 14, 2015 by TNJ Staff
Small Business
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HIRINGYou’ve got two days to file your taxes, so right now you’re probably not feeling all that warm and fuzzy about the IRS. I know I’m not. And this is part of the problem. When you ask a teenager what they want to be when they grow up, they might say, “an accountant!” but the chances of saying, “I want to work for the IRS!” is pretty slim.

This is becoming a real problem for the IRS, who wants to recruit Millennials to work for it, and is finding out that Millennials don’t want to work for them. Why? Because the IRS not only does work that makes you extremely unpopular at dinner parties (“What do you do?” “I work for the IRS, seizing people’s homes for unpaid taxes”), their systems are outdated, according to an article at Bloomberg.

So, basically, they aren’t on the top of most people’s lists of dream jobs. Your business shouldn’t have as bad of a reputation as the IRS, and (we hope) that your new start up isn’t using 1980s technology, but what if you’re not hip and happening? What if there are huge problems? What if your funding is shaky and you don’t know how to manage and your co-founder is no better? Then, how do you hire? Here are some tips.

1. Stop chasing a specific demographic.

I found it interesting that the IRS, according to Bloomberg, is trying to appeal to the Millennials–that is, young people. I guess they forgot to read information published by their fellow government agency, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), that clearly states that discriminating against older workers is illegal. If you’re purposely chasing Millennials, you’re necessarily discriminating against the over 40 crowd.

Now, granted, if you’re looking to fill entry level jobs, it makes sense to look at people who want entry level jobs–which is going to be largely Millennials. But, you know who else is looking for entry level jobs? Stay at home moms (or dads) who want to return to the workforce after being out for long periods of time, people who have been laid off and have been looking for work for a long time, and people who are looking to change careers. Broaden your search if you’re having trouble filling a job.

2. Clean out the top.

If you are having trouble hiring because your management is poor, don’t keep looking for low-level people to replace the ones who keep leaving. Clean out your top teams. Here’s the thing: If your business is an unpleasant place to work, it’s going to remain an unpleasant place to work as long as you have the same management team.

Read more at INC.COM

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