5 Financial Apps You Should Consider

Published October 1, 2015 by TNJ Staff
Personal Technology
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Financial appsLooking for a way to better manage and grow your finances? Consider these 5 apps.

Tracking your finances need not be tedious with a personal finance app. Here are five that will help your bottom line.

1. Mint

Chances are you?ve heard of Mint, and for good reason. If you had to choose to download only one app, you wouldn?t go wrong with this one. You get comprehensive insight into your finances, ranging from your retirement accounts, bank accounts and loans. Mint keeps an eye on your spending, classifying what you spend by category type. When you?re close to breaking your budget, Mint lets you know and is happy to give you customized tips. Information is presented in easy-to-understand graphs and charts.

2. Acorns

If you want to save without really thinking about it, Acorns is a great solution. You link your credit card and checking accounts to it. When you use those accounts to buy something, Acorns rounds up the purchase to the next dollar. The difference goes into a portfolio that you choose. For example, if you spend $2.50 on a cup of tea, Acorns invests 50 cents into the portfolio. You can also invest lump sum amounts.

3. Level Money

This app figures out how much you should be spending every day, weekly and monthly, based on your income and expenses. It also lets you know how much you ought to be saving and helps you set up automatic withdrawals into savings accounts. It also tracks your spending in real time.

4. Credit Karma

This is the app for free credit scores and reports and it also uses your credit card and bank account information to analyze better loan and credit card deals. This is especially helpful when you?re shopping for mortgages and car insurance.

5. Wally

This app tracks your spending, but the really great part is that you scan receipts, and Wally takes care of inputting the details. This saves you a lot of busywork.

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TNJ Staff