4 Tips for a Fuss-Free, Healthy Breakfast

Published October 30, 2014 by TNJ Staff
Health & Fitness
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Start your day right by eating a healthy breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. By eating a healthy breakfast, you will have enough energy to start your day right. It can also help improve your concentration and performance at school or at work, improve your physical endurance and help you lose weight.

Despite the numerous health benefits associated with eating a healthy breakfast, a lot of people tend to skip breakfast for one reason or another. Some say that they simply don’t have the time to eat their breakfast while others have little or no appetite during this time of the day. Still, others say that they are on a diet while others can’t eat their breakfast since they work out in the morning.

If you usually don’t have the time to prepare your breakfast, here are some tips that can help you beat the morning rush and begin your day on a healthier note.

Tip for a Fuss-Free Breakfast

  • Don’t fry your eggs in a pan. Say goodbye to greasy eggs and dirty pans by beating eggs in a microwave-safe mug and cooking it for about a minute or two. Aside from saving you time and effort, you will also get super fluffy eggs this way.
  • Don’t cook your oatmeal. For a quick and healthy breakfast, try a delicious no-cook version of old fashioned oats. Simply combine equal amounts of oatmeal and milk in a mason jar, add about two tablespoons of dried fruit and drizzle with maple syrup. Put it in the fridge and grab it in the morning just before you go.
  • Know how to prepare and eat your cereal. It may sound hard to believe but a lot of people don’t know how to prepare their cereal properly. A lot of people pour cereal directly from the box, pour the cereal before pouring in the milk and eat their cereal in a bowl. These methods are all wrong. Here?s how you should do it instead: scoop cereal using a measuring cup to keep your serving size in check and to prevent a mess, and pour in the milk before the cereal to know just how much milk you are using. You should also use a teacup instead of a bowl to avoid over-serving yourself.
  • Don’t top your toast with jam. This will give you 100% carbs. Instead, try topping your toast with cream cheese or peanut butter. Adding some protein source such as a slice of deli meat can also help you avoid the mid-morning energy crash and keep you feeling full longer.

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