When it comes to finances, you might have some money habits that make sense in the moment but can hurt you in the long run. You might pay more for convenience or avoid a service that has fees in favor of another that ends up costing you more over time. If you take a look at your money habits, you might just find that you?re doing things that make you look poor ? and perhaps even make it harder for you to thrive. Here are three money habits to break.
If you?re someone who doesn?t use an insured bank for your finances, you?re likely spending more money on alternative financial services like check-cashing stores and payday loans. Microsoft?s ?Millennials? study found that 22 percent of millennials said they?d never open a bank account. Nearly 9.6 million households did not have an account at an insured bank, according to a 2013 FDIC study. Respondents for about one in three of those households said it was because they disliked or distrusted banks; they also cited high or unpredictable fees.
Unfortunately, alternatives like payday loans and prepaid debit cards can also carry big costs ? more than what you might spend with a traditional bank if you shopped for a low-cost option. ?People use these services because they don?t understand the value of using a bank and bank services, which can help you improve your financial status,? said Harrine Freeman, financial expert and owner of H.E. Freeman Enterprises.
What to do: Banks typically offer better protection for your money and can cost less than many alternative financial services. If you?re truly opposed to the big banks or find them too costly, consider credit unions or online banks. Online banks, for example, can often offer higher interest rates on saving accounts.
Sometimes you have emergencies and have to turn to friends and family for help. If your emergency is simply that you find yourself out of cash several days before payday and have no savings to fall back on, however, then chances are you have a bad money habit.
?Constantly borrowing money from friends or family shows that you are not responsible and accountable with your money. Everyone needs help sometimes, but if you always borrow money, that makes you look poor, even if you are not,? said Freeman.
What to do: Manage your money better by learning how to budget. Practice living within your means. If that?s impossible, find ways to increase your income.
The average tax refund for 2014 was $3,034, according to the IRS, and as the 2015 tax season approaches, many taxpayers are expecting significant tax refunds. One bad tax-time money habit is spending your refund before you get it ? whether it?s overspending on your credit card in advance or using a refund anticipation loan, or RAL.
The RAL is a short-term loan against your anticipated tax refund that comes with high fees and interest rates, according to the Center for Responsible Lending. Using these loans can potentially even cost you hundreds of dollars. Thanks to electronic filing, however, you can typically get your refund within a few weeks deposited directly into your bank account. If you can plan carefully and wait a few weeks, you can save yourself the added loan fees or the finance charges from your credit card.
What to do: If you expect to get a tax refund this coming tax season, plan to save at least some of the money. Rather than planning what you?ll buy with it, deposit it into a savings account. As you start to see the benefits of saving, you might just be compelled to save more and make it a habit.
(Source: TNS)