20 Great Consulting Workplaces

Published April 21, 2015 by TNJ Staff
Small Business
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consultConsulting and professional services firms have a reputation as venerable companies that produce careers?accountant, consultant, lawyer?that are marked by good pay and steady advancement. But don?t let that fool you into thinking these are sleepy places to work. These two industries have their fair share of companies with enviable offices and plush on-site perks. We asked the employee engagement experts at Great Rated!, the workplace review site from Great Place to Work, to name some of the best-in-class employers in consulting, auditing, and professional services. Here are 20 companies that made the cut:

1. The Boston Consulting Group

Consultants are known for travel, but at the Boston Consulting Group, jet setting is not always such a grind. The company?s regional offices host company retreats in different locations every year?and have included San Diego, Las Vegas, Austin, and Mackinac Island in Michigan?with the goal of deepening bonds between coworkers and giving employees access to senior leaders. That said, the company isn?t afraid to poke fun at consulting?s living-out-of-a-suitcase reputation. In the past the company has given out the Best Use of Travel Points internal award.

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