Toxic people are everywhere, and most of us know at least one or two. We may live with them, work with them, lead them, or know them socially. And if you’ve ever spent time with truly toxic people, you already know how destructive and exhausting they can be.
Just as with any kind of toxin, you need to limit your exposure and keep yourself protected. But a critical first step is to recognize when a person is toxic. Unfortunately, toxic people don’t come with a warning label–but there are things you can look for.
1. Toxic arrogance
There is a big difference between confidence and arrogance. Confidence inspires; arrogance intimidates. Arrogant people always know best and feel superior to others. They will never celebrate your confidence because it interferes with their arrogance.
2. Toxic victimhood
One of the most dangerous people you can have around you is the perpetual victim. Perpetual victims look at their own issues and mistakes and always find others to blame, from their unreasonable boss to their unloving parents. They never take ownership of their own lives.
3. Toxic control
Controlling people know everything and the best way to do anything. They’re usually very insecure beneath it all, but as long as they’re around you’ll never get a chance to voice an idea or do anything yourself.
4. Toxic envy
Those plagued with jealousy are never happy with what they have, and they aren’t capable of being happy when good things happen to you. They can’t appreciate it when others achieve or move forward; they feel that if anything good is going to happen, it should happen to them.
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