10 Tips for Being Punctual For Your Zoom Meeting

Published March 25, 2021 by Cheryl Walker-Robertson
Business Advice
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Being punctual is critical for business, for your reputation, and for your first impression. It is important to note time has different connotations and varying preferences in different cultures. In most industrialized countries, specifically the US, being punctual says that you are professional, credible, prepared, and considerate.

Eighty-three percent of those who polled with Protocol International felt it was enormously inconsiderate to keep people waiting. They viewed it as not valuing other people’s time.

Protocol International’s 10 tips below are meant to inspire and prepare you to be punctual!

  1. Make being punctual a priority for you;
  2. Being punctual is an act of respect for the person(s) you are meeting;
  3. Being punctual is a demonstration of your professionalism;
  4. Use the bells and whistles on your gadgets to assist you with being punctual;
  5. If you are running late make a call, send a text, shoot up a flare to let folks know as soon as you can;
  6. Be early, give yourself a time cushion;
  7. Be prepared to make up for being late;
  8. Leave on time, alleviate stress;
  9. Enjoy the benefits and the trust being punctual affords you.

Cheryl B. Walker-Robertson is the founder and chief protocol officer of Protocol International, a protocol, etiquette and business development consulting firm offering image enhancement for businesses, corporations, organizations, associations, and individuals. She is a recipient of The Network Journal’s 2014 “25 Influential Black Women in Business” award.


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Cheryl Walker-Robertson